
Beyond Time And Place
The Art of Paul Raymond Gregory

Limited Edition: ONLY 500 Copies 315mm x 235mm, 176 pages. 
Price – £90 plus p&p 

Click here to Order Limited Edition 

Available to order a highly collectible signed and numbered ‘Red Box’
Limited edition, bound in blood red cloth inside a cloth slipcase.

Each edition will include a signed letter of authenticity and a limited edition fine art print of only 500 copies.

Click here to Order Limited Edition 

Mark Wilkinson (designer and artist who has worked for Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Marillion, The Darkness and many other bands) worked with Paul Gregory designing ‘Beyond Time And Place – The Art of Paul Raymond Gregory’ published in 2012. Mark has his own critically acclaimed book Shadowplay – a collection of his best work during the past 40 years, see:

“I was really honoured to be asked by Paul to design his book as I am a huge fan of his work, who wouldn’t be! It is absolutely staggering what he has achieved during the past 40 years. His paintings are an inspiration to us all.”

Beyond Time And Place
The Art of Paul Raymond Gregory

Standard Edition: 315mm x 235mm, 176 pages. 
Price – £30 plus p&p 

Click here to Order Standard Edition 

Available to order: Standard Edition Book inside a slipcase. 

Click here to Order Standard Edition 

Mark Wilkinson (designer and artist who has worked for Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Marillion, The Darkness and many other bands) worked with Paul Gregory designing ‘Beyond Time And Place – The Art of Paul Raymond Gregory’ published in 2012. Mark has his own critically acclaimed book Shadowplay – a collection of his best work during the past 40 years, see:

“I was really honoured to be asked by Paul to design his book as I am a huge fan of his work, who wouldn’t be! It is absolutely staggering what he has achieved during the past 40 years. His paintings are an inspiration to us all.”

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